Has anyone tried DMT? For real? A buddy of mine knows this hippie chick from the Drive who swears she's done it a bunch of times. She says it's waaaaay different than LSD. I'm no pharmacist but I do know a few recreational chemists, one of whom told me that anti-depressants mimic DMT.
Now, I do know a thing or two about anti-depressants which, generally speaking, have worked well for me [I'm still here aren't I? :) ]. I've been looking for a bit of consciousness expanding Red Bull lately. No good LSD out there right now, mushrooms are ok but make me giggle like an idiot more of an idiot than I actually am. Perhaps I'll try to get a hold of some DMT and see if it's all that...
Now, I do know a thing or two about anti-depressants which, generally speaking, have worked well for me [I'm still here aren't I? :) ]. I've been looking for a bit of consciousness expanding Red Bull lately. No good LSD out there right now, mushrooms are ok but make me giggle like an idiot more of an idiot than I actually am. Perhaps I'll try to get a hold of some DMT and see if it's all that...